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Library Closed: Monday, February 17
Computer Use/Wi-Fi Use Policy

Computer Use/Wi-Fi Use Policy

1. Only one person may use a computer at a time, except for an adult working with a child.

2. A parent or adult guardian must remain with children under the age of 18 at all times.

3. Files may not be downloaded onto the hard drive.

4. Use the computers and equipment in a manner that does not damage the equipment. Do not change the configuration of any of the software on these computers.

5. Printing costs 10 cents per page and must be paid at the circulation desk. Color printing 15 cents.

6. Time slots are 30 minutes long. If there is no one waiting to use the computer after the 30 minutes are up, you may continue to use the computer until it is needed. Computer sessions will not begin less than 30 minutes before closing.

7. The Library reserves the right to end an Internet session at any time if it is causing a disruption.

8. The Library does not offer access to chat groups.

9. Internet users must respect all applicable copyright restrictions.

10. The Library staff will be happy to help as much as possible but cannot provide in-depth training concerning the Internet, computer jargon or personal computer use. We may, however, be able to offer searching suggestions and answer questions. If you have never used computers or have specific questions about the Internet, instructional books are available for your use.

11. Internet users must respect the privacy of others, not utilize the facilities directly or indirectly in the commission of a crime and agree to hold harmless the Hamburg Township Library from any claims and expenses relating to that user's violations of the rules and guidelines.

12. By using the Internet computer at the Hamburg Township Library you agree to abide by the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. Misuse of the computers or the Internet will result in the loss of your Internet privileges.

13. Understand that it is a Federal crime to access any child pornography or obscene material. The library staff will contact the Hamburg Township Police Department to report any criminal activity.

Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines

Public access to the Internet is available to all users of the Hamburg Township Library who are at least 18 years old. The Library is making the Internet available to the public as an informational and educational resource in support of our mission to serve the educational and informational needs of Hamburg Township residents.

The Internet is a vast network linking millions of computers around the world. The Internet resources provide unprecedented opportunities to expand the scope of information available to users. However, there is no regulation of the content on the Internet.

The Hamburg Township Library has no control of the Internet and its resources and assumes no responsibility for the quality, accuracy, or currency of any Internet resource. The availability of information links often changes rapidly and unpredictably. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of its World Wide Web server or from its connection to other Internet services. Users should evaluate Internet sources more carefully than they do printed publication, questioning the validity of the information provided.

Users are cautioned that ideas, points of view and images can be found on the Internet that are controversial, divergent, and/or inflammatory. The provision of access does not mean or imply that the Library endorses or sanctions the content of any information that may be found on the Internet.

The Internet may contain material of a controversial nature. The Library does not censor access to material found on the Internet. Users are cautioned that, because security in an electronic environment cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files, and communication are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use and, therefore, should be considered public.

Parents of minor children must assume responsibility for their children's use of the Internet through the Library's connection by being with their children at all times.

Parents and/or guardians are responsible for the Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Children are not allowed to use the Internet unsupervised. Parents are encouraged to discuss the use of the Internet in relation to family values and boundaries with the children and to monitor their children's use of the Internet.

Because the Library's Internet computer is in a public area, users are asked to consider the various ages, backgrounds, and sensibilities of the public when accessing potentially controversial information and images. The Library reserves the right to ask individuals to discontinue the display of information and images that cause a disruption.

Availibility: 10 Internet Stations

All stations contain: Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, Power Point and Access.