Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd. P.O. Box 247
Hamburg, MI 48139
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 19, 2016 @ 7:00pm
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 7:00pm in the library meeting room.
Members present: Andy Byerly, Sally Crouch, Peg Eibler, Michaelene Farrell, Richelle Hocking and Jim Katakowski.
Absent: None.
Also present: Holly Hentz and Christine Weber.
Approval of
1) A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Farrell. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
2) A motion to approve the minutes from December 15, 2015 meeting as presented was made by Hocking. Seconded by Byerly. Motion carried.
Call to the public:
None present.
1) A motion to accept the Financial Report for December 2015 was made by Hocking. Seconded by Crouch. Motion carried.
2) A motion to accept Library Voucher #550 in the amount of $75,243.76 was made by Farrell. Seconded by Byerly. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
1) Statistics, December
 Average of 213 patrons per day
 E-book circulation was 189
 Zinio circulation was 33 issues
 New patrons was 26
 Items checked-out was 5,457
2) Marketing update:
 Instagram: 70 followers
 Twitter 156 followers
 Facebook: 465 followers
 Newsletter mailed 12/28/15, Township quarterly staff meeting (handouts of programs), winter programs listing posted in area businesses.
3) Other news: It’s our 50th year. Look for extra programs and events to celebrate.
4) Upcoming Programs
 1/21 Thursday Matinee: Ricki and the Flash, Free, 1:00pm
 1/21 Coloring for grownups, Free, 6:30pm
 1/23 Crafting for Teens, Free, 1:00pm
 1/26 10 Tips to a Healthy Plate Free, 6:30pm
 2/2 Tablet Tech 101, Free 6:30pm
 2/3 Jackie’s Book Club: Galileo’s Daughter, Free, 1:00pm
 1/6 Saturday Family Cinema: Monsters University, Free, 1:00pm
 2/9 Valentine Crafts for Children, Free, 6:30pm
 2/9 Motor City Roots, Free, 6:30pm
 2/11 Lunch & Learn: Valentine’s for Veterans, Free, Noon
 2/11 For the Love of Chocolate, $10.00, 6:30pm
5) Hentz responded to Hamburg Twp.’s request for input on how the Hamburg Family Fun Fest impacts their normal routine. Considering the midway has been moved to very close proximity to the library building, the board is considering closing the library Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 3:00pm during the Fun Fest, and asked Hentz to discuss first with staff. Eibler has indicated she would like to be included in any meeting regarding future Fun Fest plans.
1) Several Christmas cards were received.
Old Business
1) Sale of donated stocks netted the library $15,096.97. Richard Truxall of INVEST Financial and C. Weber will present investment options at the February meeting.
2) Meeting room tables should arrive late February/early March.
New Business
1) A motion to replace the meeting room blinds by Library Design Associates, Inc. for $2,495.00 was made by Crouch. Seconded by Farrell. Motion carried.
2) Senate Bill 517 requires all library issues must be published 60 days before the election.
3) A motion to delete the guidelines for employees’ hair appearance and to have the attorney review the entire Dress Code was made by Katakowski. Seconded by Hocking. Motion carried.
Relevant Board Issues
1) United for Libraries: Short takes for Trustees video postponed to February meeting.
2) Date for turning in signed petitions to be on the November ballot is 4:00pm on April 19. Hentz will have petition packets for the February meeting. Crouch has indicated she will not be running for reelection.
1) A motion to adjourn was made by Crouch. Seconded by Farrell. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:42pm.
Next meeting will be February 16, 2016 at 7:00pm.