Hamburg Township Library
10411 Merrill Rd.    P.O.  Box 247
Hamburg, MI  48139



Hamburg Township Library Board of Trustees
August 21, 2012


Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the library meeting room.
Members present: Stella Campbell, Peg Eibler, Duncan McIntyre, Sally Crouch via speaker phone.
Absent: Michaelene Farrell and Richelle Hocking.
Also present: Holly Hentz, Christine Weber.


  1. A motion to approve the agenda as presented was made by Eibler.  Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.
  1. A motion to approve the July 17, 2012 minutes was made by McIntyre.  Seconded by Campbell.  Motion carried.


Call to the Public

  1. None present.


  1. Approval was tabled until the September for both the Financial Report for July 2012 and the correction for the June 2012 Financial Report.
  1. A motion to accept the Library Voucher #509 in the amount of $69,129.80 was made by Eibler. Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.


Librarian’s Report

  1. Summer Reading Program update: A total of 366 participants. 223 completed their goals.  204 attended the end party celebration.
  2. Server project update: Email was migrated on 8/9/12; all work is now complete.
  3. New pages update: Hannah Taylor and Connor Cavallaro have started their jobs.
  4. Roof repairs completed in the area above the children’s group study room.  Interior paint repair will be completed by Checklist Maintenance soon.




Old Business

After contacting the Canton Library regarding their recipe exchange, we will not offer a similar program.


New Business

  1. Hentz explained the need to replace the library catalog system which has become obsolete.  Although Follett will continue to offer technical support, the software will not be updated to be compatible with newer Windows software.  The staff will begin the process for selecting a new system.
  2. Weber explained the failing cooling system which resulted in frequent service calls this summer. Board asked for complete bids to be presented soon.
  3. A motion to contract Landscape Design of Howell to perform the garden maintenance for $1095.00 was made by Campbell.  Seconded by McIntyre.  Motion carried.  Library has received a $450.00 donation to partially cover the garden’s maintenance expense.

Relevant Board Issues

  1. Hentz told the Board members that the October 17th Annual Trustee Dinner would include a Youth Librarians presentation.  A formal invitation will be presented at the September meeting.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Campbell.  Seconded by McIntyre.   Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.


Next meeting will be Seeptember 18, 2012 at 7:00pm.